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The Benefits of Strength Training for Track and Field Athletes

As a track and field athlete, you know that speed and agility are essential to your performance. But did you know that strength training can take your abilities to the next level? Adding strength training to your routine can improve your running economy, increase your power output, and reduce your risk of injury. In this blog, we will explore the benefits of strength training for track and field athletes and provide some examples of exercises you can incorporate into your training. Why Strength Training Matters Strength training is not just for bodybuilders or powerlifters. For track and field athletes, it is a critical component of your training program. Strength training has numerous benefits that translate to better performance on the...

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Anatomy of a Warm Up

No matter what your workout is, it should always start with a warm-up. The right warm-up gently prepares the body for exercise by gradually increasing your heart rate, circulation, flexibility, and joint mobility. Warm-ups stimulate blood flow, helping get your body ready for exercise so that you can perform your best and, more importantly, avoid injuring yourself. If moving a cold body can cause injury, what does a safe and effective warm-up look like? It is important to understand what happens in your body when you start to exercise. When you work out, your body shunts blood flow from your midsection to send more oxygenated blood to your exercising muscles, mainly your arms and legs. So you need to give...

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Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent Fasting - Popular Schedule + Benefits What is Intermittent Fasting or IF?  It is a form of fasting or dieting where you limit the time you are allowed to eat.  There are many different schedules for intermittent fasting but today we will discuss the most researched schedule shown to be beneficial.   Intermittent fasting is a way of dieting which helps individuals limit their calorie intake.  This is because you only have a certain number of  hours which you are allowed to eat.  The most common schedule is a 16 hour fast with an 8 hour window to eat your meals.  An example of the schedule is shown below.   7 AM:  Wake up, have a glass of water 8 AM: Black...

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What is Biomechanics?

Biomechanics is the study of the structure, function and motion of the mechanical aspects of biological systems, at any level from whole organisms to organs, cells and cell organelles, using the methods of mechanics. Biomechanics is a branch of biophysics.

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Upgrade Your Warm-up

You might be tempted to skip the warm up when you work out. After all, you only have so much time to train.   Warming up is a critical component of your fitness routine, skipping it could have unpleasant and even dangerous results—such as muscle strain, muscle injury and pain.   Oh and Fun Fact: A proper warm-up will actually IMPROVE your workout performance!   The Warm-up: Basics A warm up is a short period at the beginning of your Training session. It is generally low intensity and prepares your body for the upcoming exertion.   The purpose of a traditional warm up is to slightly increase your heart rate. This raises your core body temperature and increases the blood...

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